Whenever you go to a market, you can just about expect you'll make a purchase, and for that purchase you'll need a bag. Our Birka bag represents its namesake perfectly, with a storage capacity that is deceptive for its size. Designed to hang off the belt within easy reach, with a one-strap simple closure for quick yet secure access, the Birka bag makes a great addition to any Viking/Scandinavian theme!
Measures 6.5″ high and 7″ wide. Expands to 3″ deep when full, yet lays flat when empty. A single, inch-wide leather strap can attach to a belt up to 3" thick. If ordering a brown leather option, please be advised brown leather varies in shades and textures; we do our best to be as uniform with our brown bags as possible.
Please allow six to eight weeks to create and ship your product if it is not in stock. Call customer service at 405-787-2123, or email custserv@renboots.com to inquire about in-store availability, color options, or any other questions.
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